定年退職をしてスウェーデンに戻りOFFICE KAWASAKIを開業?して早くも3年以上経過しました。
OFFICE KAWASAKIのニッチがはっきり見えてきました。
Lynda Grattonは"THE SHIFT - The future of work is already here" (2011) で第二のシフトとして "from isolated competitor to innovative connector"をあげています。
"OFFICE KAWASAKI - Innovative connector between Norden and Japan"
Already more than 3 years have passed since I retired from Tokai University in Sapporo and opened Office Kawasaki back in Stockholm.
Niche of Office Kawasaki is getting clearer and clearer.
That is to connect persons and organizations in Japan and Norden. I could make a rather impressing reference list of connections I have done so far.
Lynda Gratton writes "from isolated competitor to innovative connector" as the second shift of work in her book "THE SHIFT - The future of work is already here" (2011) .
"OFFICE KAWASAKI - Innovative connector between Norden and Japan"
It is also interesting to follow relations and results of these connections...